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Introducing Wizardia: A Play-to-Earn Game With Graphics That Will Leave You in Awe

<article> <div class="l"> <div class="l"> <div> <div class="jc jd je jf jg"> <h2 id="short-intro-about-wizardias-backstory">Short Intro About Wizardia's Backstory</h2> <p id="21d3" class="pw-post-body-paragraph lp lq jj lr b ls lt lu lv lw lx ly lz ma mb mc md me mf mg mh mi mj mk ml mm jc hk" data-selectable-paragraph="">How is a world of magic and mystery born into existence? The minds of creators like Wizardia's co-founders, Tomas and Mindaugas, lead the charge into an unknown frontier. At their side are teams of hard-working creatives with a dream to bring the world of their imagination into reality. These elements together are the key to building a robust fantasy world like Wizardia.</p> <p class="pw-post-body-paragraph lp lq jj lr b ls lt lu lv lw lx ly lz ma mb mc md me mf mg mh mi mj mk ml mm jc hk" data-selectable-paragraph=""> </p> <p id="0248" class="pw-post-body-paragraph lp lq jj lr b ls mn lu lv lw mo ly lz ma mp mc md me mq mg mh mi mr mk ml mm jc hk" data-selectable-paragraph="">Their efforts are bringing to life a whole new social game genre that combines the most exciting elements of popular games such as the city-building mechanic popularized by CityVille and turn-based strategy modes seen in games like Heroes of Might and Magic. Most importantly, Wizardia allows players to compete and play alongside each other in real-time in-game.</p> <p class="pw-post-body-paragraph lp lq jj lr b ls mn lu lv lw mo ly lz ma mp mc md me mq mg mh mi mr mk ml mm jc hk" data-selectable-paragraph=""> </p> <p id="cbf7" class="pw-post-body-paragraph lp lq jj lr b ls mn lu lv lw mo ly lz ma mp mc md me mq mg mh mi mr mk ml mm jc hk" data-selectable-paragraph="">The Wizardia team has always been trying to merge all those elements together and come out on the other side with a completely new and exciting game. Now with the emergence of cryptocurrencies and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), we've finally gotten to add the last piece of the puzzle: allowing players to start competing not only for imaginary profits but for real-world money. With Wizardia built on the Solana blockchain, this is now possible. In short, Wizardia is the dream: a Play-to-Earn online role-playing game in a magic-filled metaverse that will keep sending you on otherworldly adventures while also lining your pockets with sweet, sweet cryptocurrency.</p> <p class="pw-post-body-paragraph lp lq jj lr b ls mn lu lv lw mo ly lz ma mp mc md me mq mg mh mi mr mk ml mm jc hk" data-selectable-paragraph=""> </p> <h2 id="introduction-to-the-game">Introduction to the Game</h2> <p id="c196" class="pw-post-body-paragraph lp lq jj lr b ls lt lu lv lw lx ly lz ma mb mc md me mf mg mh mi mj mk ml mm jc hk" data-selectable-paragraph="">The world was once calm and expansive, flowing through time as reality dictated. Humans lived their lives in an ordinary way&hellip;until the day Reality shattered and the fog rolled in. The rules of the living no longer apply as they once did, and you find yourself in a newly born metaverse where you must uncover the magic of Wizardia as you fight for survival.</p> <p class="pw-post-body-paragraph lp lq jj lr b ls lt lu lv lw lx ly lz ma mb mc md me mf mg mh mi mj mk ml mm jc hk" data-selectable-paragraph=""> </p> <p id="ce69" class="pw-post-body-paragraph lp lq jj lr b ls mn lu lv lw mo ly lz ma mp mc md me mq mg mh mi mr mk ml mm jc hk" data-selectable-paragraph="">Utilize your Wizard NFTs to fight other Wizards in PvP turn-based battles for territory, resources, and the chance to survive in this new metaverse. Grow your investment through your Wizards as they gain power from battle, learn new spells from your research, and act as your liaison into the haunting new frontier. How these Wizards march forth is up to you, following your every order in battle alongside their teammates, using the items you bequeath unto them, and carrying out your strategy when attacking and defending. Their souls are tied to your own, and their wills are forged by your leadership.</p> <p class="pw-post-body-paragraph lp lq jj lr b ls mn lu lv lw mo ly lz ma mp mc md me mq mg mh mi mr mk ml mm jc hk" data-selectable-paragraph=""> </p> <h2 id="whats-next">What's Next?</h2> <p id="b90f" class="pw-post-body-paragraph lp lq jj lr b ls lt lu lv lw lx ly lz ma mb mc md me mf mg mh mi mj mk ml mm jc hk" data-selectable-paragraph="">Make this world of endless magic and mystery your own as we forge ahead on the path to survival in this new reality where fearsome monsters with strange powers roam the land. The fog exists to be feared, for no one knows what it truly is. As Reality broke into pieces, the fog seeped forth, filling every crack of the world it could - permeating the land with its very presence. Little is still known about these events, and thus there are still many steps forward into the depths of the metaverse.</p> <p class="pw-post-body-paragraph lp lq jj lr b ls lt lu lv lw lx ly lz ma mb mc md me mf mg mh mi mj mk ml mm jc hk" data-selectable-paragraph=""> </p> <h2 id="join-us-on-the-adventure-of-a-lifetime-as-wizardia-takes-its-next-steps">Join us on the adventure of a lifetime as Wizardia takes its next steps:</h2> <ul class=""> <li id="6395" class="ng nh jj lr b ls lt lw lx ma ni me nj mi nk mm nl nm nn no hk" data-selectable-paragraph=""><strong class="lr jk">Trustswap launch</strong> - End of January</li> <li id="a720" class="ng nh jj lr b ls np lw nq ma nr me ns mi nt mm nl nm nn no hk" data-selectable-paragraph=""><strong class="lr jk">New website launch </strong>- Beginning of February</li> <li id="e2ef" class="ng nh jj lr b ls np lw nq ma nr me ns mi nt mm nl nm nn no hk" data-selectable-paragraph=""><strong class="lr jk">Our 1st revenue-generating NFT sales launch</strong> - Beginning of February. Keep engaged with our socials, listed below, to find out about the details/specifics. It's going to be B I G!</li> <li id="958a" class="ng nh jj lr b ls np lw nq ma nr me ns mi nt mm nl nm nn no hk" data-selectable-paragraph=""><strong class="lr jk">IDO </strong>- End of February</li> <li id="3401" class="ng nh jj lr b ls np lw nq ma nr me ns mi nt mm nl nm nn no hk" data-selectable-paragraph=""><strong class="lr jk">IEO</strong> - Beginning of March</li> <li id="f1fa" class="ng nh jj lr b ls np lw nq ma nr me ns mi nt mm nl nm nn no hk" data-selectable-paragraph="">And a seemingly endless world of possibilities after that; our full roadmap can be viewed <a class="au nu" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener ugc nofollow">here</a>.</li> </ul> <p> </p> <p id="fc81" class="pw-post-body-paragraph lp lq jj lr b ls mn lu lv lw mo ly lz ma mp mc md me mq mg mh mi mr mk ml mm jc hk" data-selectable-paragraph="">The fog is still thick and our journey treacherous, but with our early adaptors and expanding community, we can all forge through to an exciting new world. After successfully hitting our deadlines and now being on track for future goals, we hope to create the ideal industry-leading AAA game that puts the game's profits into your hands. The real magic of Wizardia rests within you, our community, and we cannot complete this revolutionary goal of a community feedback-driven world without you.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article>

3 min read
Jan 24, 2022
William Smith
Read this article

Short Intro About Wizardia’s Backstory

How is a world of magic and mystery born into existence? The minds of creators like Wizardia’s co-founders, Tomas and Mindaugas, lead the charge into an unknown frontier. At their side are teams of hard-working creatives with a dream to bring the world of their imagination into reality. These elements together are the key to building a robust fantasy world like Wizardia.


Their efforts are bringing to life a whole new social game genre that combines the most exciting elements of popular games such as the city-building mechanic popularized by CityVille and turn-based strategy modes seen in games like Heroes of Might and Magic. Most importantly, Wizardia allows players to compete and play alongside each other in real-time in-game.


The Wizardia team has always been trying to merge all those elements together and come out on the other side with a completely new and exciting game. Now with the emergence of cryptocurrencies and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), we’ve finally gotten to add the last piece of the puzzle: allowing players to start competing not only for imaginary profits but for real-world money. With Wizardia built on the Solana blockchain, this is now possible. In short, Wizardia is the dream: a Play-to-Earn online role-playing game in a magic-filled metaverse that will keep sending you on otherworldly adventures while also lining your pockets with sweet, sweet cryptocurrency.


Introduction to the Game

The world was once calm and expansive, flowing through time as reality dictated. Humans lived their lives in an ordinary way…until the day Reality shattered and the fog rolled in. The rules of the living no longer apply as they once did, and you find yourself in a newly born metaverse where you must uncover the magic of Wizardia as you fight for survival.


Utilize your Wizard NFTs to fight other Wizards in PvP turn-based battles for territory, resources, and the chance to survive in this new metaverse. Grow your investment through your Wizards as they gain power from battle, learn new spells from your research, and act as your liaison into the haunting new frontier. How these Wizards march forth is up to you, following your every order in battle alongside their teammates, using the items you bequeath unto them, and carrying out your strategy when attacking and defending. Their souls are tied to your own, and their wills are forged by your leadership.


What’s Next?

Make this world of endless magic and mystery your own as we forge ahead on the path to survival in this new reality where fearsome monsters with strange powers roam the land. The fog exists to be feared, for no one knows what it truly is. As Reality broke into pieces, the fog seeped forth, filling every crack of the world it could — permeating the land with its very presence. Little is still known about these events, and thus there are still many steps forward into the depths of the metaverse.


Join us on the adventure of a lifetime as Wizardia takes its next steps:

  • Trustswap launch — End of January
  • New website launch — Beginning of February
  • Our 1st revenue-generating NFT sales launch — Beginning of February. Keep engaged with our socials, listed below, to find out about the details/specifics. It’s going to be B I G!
  • IDO — End of February
  • IEO — Beginning of March
  • And a seemingly endless world of possibilities after that; our full roadmap can be viewed here.


The fog is still thick and our journey treacherous, but with our early adaptors and expanding community, we can all forge through to an exciting new world. After successfully hitting our deadlines and now being on track for future goals, we hope to create the ideal industry-leading AAA game that puts the game’s profits into your hands. The real magic of Wizardia rests within you, our community, and we cannot complete this revolutionary goal of a community feedback-driven world without you.

William Smith

William Smith

Weaving together blockchains and threads of fantasy lore, William identifies as a chaotic-good copywriter. His abilities include battling bad grammar and upholding a consistent tone of voice.



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